The difficult relationship between Hong Kong people and mainland Chinese

The ad

On the February 1st, people in Hong Kong presented an advertisement covering one full page in a well circulated local newspaper, severely criticizing mainland Chinese on taking advantage of the system in Hong Kong.The necessary funds (100 000 HKD, or 10,000 euros) for the ad were obtained in a week with the aid of social networks.
The main argument was focused on the issue of mainland Chinese women coming to Hong Kong to give birth. Reason being their children can obtain citizenship and all the benefits which come along with it. In 2011, 40 000 Chinese women came to give birth in Hong Kong, not a very bright situation when hospitals are already struggling to meet the locals’ demand.
The ad depict a locust at the top of a cliff overlooking Hong Kong which says ” Hong Kong people, we have endured enough in silence”


2 thoughts on “The difficult relationship between Hong Kong people and mainland Chinese

    • Hi Terry,
      Thanks for the comment, I have some articles about Hong Kong in preparation. I’ll try to post them soon.

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