Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary

Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary

Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary is a reserve for Koalas. Located thirty minutes from Brisbane, it houses 130 fur balls in the park with other local animals (Kangaroos, Dingos, Emu and other reptiles).

The park runs a lot of educational tours around these animals – we learned the life cycle of a Koala which consist of very little movement and mostly sleep. They eat only one type eucalyptus which is actually poisonous to them and during their early days their mother give them bacterium to help to fight the toxicity. This process which takes most of their energy exhaust them at the end of the day, earning them the reputation as an inactive ‘lazy’ animal. They are also not much of a drinker (unlike their Homo Erectus counterparts on the Australian soil) as the water in the eucalyptus is enough for them.

All in all, these animals are cute and adorable but it’s pretty hard to take a picture with their eyes open.






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