This trip to Australia was a truly an amazing experience. Although it was expensive (for I was living on a tight budget) but no regrets at all. It was a country with extraordinary people (locals and tourists) extremely friendly and welcoming. Before going there, I had a vague idea of the country, surf, pretty girls, a big rock in the desert… I was surprised many times by lot of details like the quality of life (sunny all the time, clean city, secured, no crime, and lots of good stuffs like electric barbecue pits in the parks-beach or the free pool in town), the hugeness of the territory (2 hour drive seem nothing for Australians), the variety of landscapes (desert, tropical islands, rainforests, …) but finally, the most memorable was the good vibes and good atmosphere during the days at university and travelling around. Australia is THE country for backpackers,with hostels abound everywhere and meeting extraordinary people is pretty much what you do everyday. And Australia, though it is a really huge place, it seemed small when traveling, I bumped in 6 or 7 people seen in places hundreds of miles away few weeks earlier.
In a nutshell, I love this country and I highly recommend to everyone to go there at least once (and maybe to stay for good!).
Conclusion of my journey in Australia